Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Cold Winter Walk at Odiorne Point State Park

It has been rather cold here lately, resulting in us getting outside a bit less. Plus we have been busy with the general tasks of everyday life. But today, although the weather was cold, it was not too windy, so we took the opportunity to go for a walk around Odiorne Point State Park with some friends.

We had been to Odiorne Point a few times before, but mostly just to visit the Science Center there, or to attend a wedding, so this was our first time checking out the rest of the park. 

We only explored a small area before we lost daylight (not to mention the feeling in our faces!) but we had a nice time walking along a coastal walkway, and even heading down to check out the rocky (and icy) "beach". Our birder friends spotted loons out on the water, but they were not really close enough for us to get any good looks. 

It was very silent and still as the sun went down. Any wildlife that was present was not making much noise, and even the waves lapping at the shore could barely be heard. As you can see from the photos, it was all pretty colorless too - everything in shades of gray. You tend to get that in winter around here! It was quite beautiful and peaceful though.

A highlight of the walk was coming across a stone marker of the spot where English settlers first landed in New Hampshire in 1623!

This park is a fairly local one for us, and especially since there is more to explore there, I am pretty sure we will be back before the year is over, if not before the winter is over! So, although we can add it to our list of parks we have visited this year, that doesn't mean we are done with it yet. And for those keeping track at home we have now visited a grand total of two parks in our 2015 challenge!

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